Early childhood

See also the site of the Agglomeration of Saint-Louis: www.agglo-saint-louis.fr

Maternal Assistants Relays

Three Maternity Assistant Relays (RAM) managed by Saint-Louis Agglomération are located in the area to best support families in their research and approaches to childcare (collective or individual) and childminders in the practice of their profession.

The three RAMs are divided by sectors: (Huningue, Sierentz)


What is a multi-home

It is an establishment that groups nursery and day care center and that meets the needs of children from 0 to 6 years old. Children are welcomed on a regular or occasional basis, depending on the demands of families.

The role of the multi-home is at two levels:

  • contribute to the child’s awakening, help him to acquire his autonomy and promote his socialization,
  • provide the necessary care for the child to meet his needs (food, hygiene …) in a climate of safety.

The team of qualified and qualified professionals welcomes children during the working or leisure time of parents. The purpose of the multi-home program is to promote the development, development, autonomy, socialization and creativity of children under 6 years of age.

The multi-home offers children several spaces:

  • a motor development space,
  • an expression room (water games, painting…)
  • space for free games or small group activities
  • a soft, calm space (music, books, tales, resting area for the biggest ones…)
  • a dining area,
  • a dormitory,
  • an outdoor living space for children.

This host organization is subject to an order signed by the President of the County Council

To find out more:

Multi-struktur « Tom Pouce»

3, rue Oberdorf – 68220 HAGENTHAL-LE-BAS
Mail : tompouce@agglo-saint-louis.fr


Childhood Animations – Youth

The childhood-youth animation is a territorialized competence of Saint-Louis Agglomeration: the Community of Agglomeration exercises it on a part of the territory, in the sectors Countries of Sierentz and Porte du Sundgau, where it was already ensured by the two former Community of communes.

This is why an order of priority has been put in place for enrollments: these are first open to children in the Pays de Sierentz and Porte du Sundgau sectors, then to the other communes of Saint-Louis Agglomération and, finally, to the children of the communes outside Saint-Louis Agglomération:

  • zone 1: municipalities of the former Community of Communes of the Sierentz Country and the former Community of Communes of the Sundgau Gate.
  • zone 2: member communes of Saint-Louis Agglomération.
  • zone 3: municipalities outside Saint-Louis Agglomération.

The actions jeunesse-jeunesse are organized in partnership with the Federation des Foyers Clubs d’Alsace.


Christophe DELABORDE
Mail : delaborde.christophe@agglo-saint-louis.fr
Tel : 03 89 28 59 16